WHO do you help?
We help families with minor children who have lost their housing. We can assist families for 30 to 90 days. Families cannot be fleeing domestic violence, actively using drugs/alcohol, dealing with severe mental health issues, or have felony records.
WHAT do you provide for them?
We provide shelter, meals, basic needs (clothing, toiletries, personal items), case management, referrals and resources. All adults meet with a Case Manager to assist in job seeking/placement and a financial counselor to learn financial management and savings. We also provide encouragement through volunteers who are there for them each day.
WHY do you help these families?
Families are the fastest growing population of the homeless. Currently homeless families make up 40% of the entire homeless population. As of March 2016, Gwinnett County Schools had 1,790 known homeless students, and that does not include children younger than five years old. These children need a chance for a stable childhood. We want to help.
WHERE do you provide this help?
Families stay at a home called Family Haven where volunteers serve dinner and spend the evenings with our guest families. During the day, children go to day care or school, and parents go to work or use our Day Center located behind Lawrenceville First Christian Church. The Day Center has computers with Internet access, phone, kitchen, and laundry facilities.
WHEN can someone come in the program?
Families who need housing call us throughout the week. Many are referred by local agencies like Salvation Army, Lawrenceville Cooperative Ministry, or Gwinnett Helpline. We screen families over the phone, and when we have an opening, we interview the family and go over the guidelines of the program. If a family agrees to enter, and we have space, we contact the family again to schedule their intake.
HOW do you help these families?
We provide them with a safe place to stay and a chance to save money while normal living expenses are covered. This helps them return to independent housing. Working adults must disclose all income to our Case Manager who then assists them in saving from 60% to 90% of their income. Once enough money is saved, we assist with local financial resources for moving families into housing. We also assist with furniture and household items as needed.
HOW do I apply for the program?
Call Family Promise of Gwinnett Monday through Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm. 678-376-8950